#31 One Reason I Hate Tambourines

Hot Pink Hangover is working on a full-length album! It seems like just yesterday we were playing the Nomad World Pub (RIP) as we celebrated our firstborn, "Wasted." I remember the panic I felt because it had been years since I'd been on stage with a band and I was convinced I was going to do something to make us all look bad. I couldn't hack team sports growing up because If I missed a shot or had an uncoordinated moment, I assumed I had let everyone down and they would most certainly hate me and say slanderous things behind my back. For this same reason, I wanted so badly not to disappoint my bandmates by making a complete ass of myself on our big night. I thought for sure I would trip on a cable and fall off the stage, or that the crotch of my leggings would split open for everyone to see... but as soon as we were up there and had struck our first note, I witnessed the expanse of smiling faces & dancing bodies, and my fears disappeared like a good dirty martini tends to when left in my care.

We released 3 sarcastic and comical EPs in the "Wasted" trilogy, and we did our best to get people's attention. With our tour dates to support "Wasted in 3D" coming to a close, we're dedicating the winter months to recording some of the songs you may have heard live but can't find on any CDs currently. Our back catalog of material is rather vast, so it's time to select some of those hidden gems and get to work! A few of our focus points will be, getting kick-ass live drum sounds (which can take a bit of work and experimentation.) We've been entertaining some non-conventional ways to accomplish this and if you want to hear the juicy details make sure you sign our email list to stay connected. Sometimes we only share that stuff with our subscribers! If I get my way, we'll be including some vocal harmonies from the guys. They sing their little hearts out at the live shows, but when it comes to vocal sessions in the studio, they've been reluctant to share their talents. I've resolved to bolster their self-esteem until they agree to sing on the album. Finally, you can expect a couple of BALLADS! Davey Hazard has agreed to restrain himself from his percussive chugs and his lively power chords, while I warble away on a few slow, heart-wrenching, non-punk rock songs. I simply cannot wait!

When I lived in Macedonia I would occasionally take the train to Greece, and without fail, every time I made that trip, a band of Roma would hop on the train, bang their tattered tambourines, and bully the bewildered passengers into giving them a hand-out. Being a poor wanderer myself at that point in my life, it left a rather bitter taste in my mouth for the antics of musical beggars. So when the guys and I were entertaining the idea of crowdfunding our full-length album, I was instantly back on that train, surrounded by belligerent percussionists. I was not in favor of asking for help. I've always considered crowdfunding to be basically glorified begging, just wrapped in a pretty digital package... But after lots of processing and getting feedback from you, our beloved fans, who continue to insist that you want to support us despite our doubts-  we've decided that we could really use your help. I'm not saying we couldn't do it without you... it would just take a lot longer and we want to get this next big batch of songs out, so you can hear what we've been busy working on. 

So, for those of you who choose to help, know that you're paying it forward for the ones who can't. We realize that not every one of our fans can spend their hard-earned money on us- but for those of you who are in a place where you're able, we are so grateful and we promise to do our best to make you proud of your investment in our music.  If you want to see what we're offering on the various support tiers, check it out right here. Thank you so much for every social media "like", every YouTube subscription, every time you came out to a show, every tee shirt you bought, and every compliment you've shared after a performance. We feel very loved and it's because of each and every one of you.